This year at the Bigger Than Me Podcast was phenomenal.
We launched 61 interviews, totaling 3,327 minutes, reaching listeners in 58 countries. Our diverse guests included law professors, psychologists, a flow state expert, and Indigenous leaders.
We delved into topics like free speech, mental health, reconciliation, the UFC, the essence of music, journalism, emotional intelligence, and the vital role of local farmers and producers in sustaining our communities.
Let us know what your favourite episode was in 2023!
Biggest Interview of 2023
Ariel Helwani, a top interviewer and journalist, was on my 2023 dream guest list.
His question-asking style and interview flow have taught me a lot. His thoughtful, charismatic approach to guest selection and topic coverage is inspiring. I contacted him via email, and he remembered me from my MMA Hour Q&A participation and Twitter posts. He graciously agreed to be a guest, though we didn't set a time. Surprisingly, he reached out for a last-minute interview. The episode with my hero Ariel Helwani hit 1000 views in a day, marking a show milestone.
Most Memorable Moment of 2023
I mean, this wouldn’t be an honest article if I didn’t admit that hot sauce melting my tongue away wasn’t the most memorable moment of 2023. I’ll never forget downing a full tub of ice cream, licking a whole loaf of bread, and drinking a whole case of Coke Zero in under an hour.
And I’m certain you come here for the facts. Well the fact is - I died for your entertainment!